Main Meals / December 4, 2017

“Ma, the meat[less] loaf!”

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I went up to my mom’s house for dinner a few weeks ago and she made me this meat(less) loaf.  When she said she was going to make meatloaf all I could think of was that scene from Wedding Crashers…”ma, the meatloaf!”.   If you don’t know what I am talking about Google it, it is a funny scene.  Anyway, my mom sent me this recipe forever ago and for some reason I just never made it.  She would ask me about it all the time, and then I would just forget to make it.  So finally, she just made it for me, thanks Ma.  Now that I’ve had it, I have to share it!  It is incredible how similar the taste and texture is to real meatloaf, without the greasiness of course.  Mom sent me home with the leftovers and I ate them for lunch and dinner until they were gone.  Check this out:



People try to makeover comfort food classics into healthier versions all of the time.  In meatloaf people often try to replace the beef with ground turkey or chicken, thinking that they are making a better choice.  Here is why that may not be as beneficial as one might think: Dropping knowledge.   Swapping out the beef for lentils and tofu however, well that my friends doesn’t just make meat(less)loaf healthier…it makes it down right healthy.

Are you ready to try this one for yourself?

Happy eating and best health,


Dr. G



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