Main Meals / April 9, 2017

3 Ingredient Thai Curry Pumpkin Soup

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Thanksgiving is over (whomp, whomp).  It is officially time to put away the fall decorations and pull out the winter ones.  I don’t know about you, but I love to have fresh pumpkins around the house as decorations for the fall time.

I just hate to see them go to waste at the end of the season.

This year I made an effort to re-purpose my pumpkin collection.  I went for a hike this morning and broughtimg_20161127_143930 some of my smaller gourds out to my favorite spot in the woods as a little snack for the squirrels and birds.  I kept a small white pumpkin, my “squirrel poop pumpkin” (I’ll explain in a minute) to decorate with glitter and wintery things, so it will become a winter decoration. Finally, my sugar pumpkin, which was hijacked from a friend’s wedding (thanks Sam), was destined to become yummy soup.  The soup itself has just 3 ingredients and couldn’t be easier to make.  I roasted the seeds as a crunchy garnish and used the shell as a bowl, so the only thing that went to waste was the pulp around the seeds.  Nice right?  I also topped this one with some Swiss chard that I sauteed with garlic and ginger.  My dad gave me a ton of Swiss chard from his garden, so currently it is going in every recipe. 🙂

Are you getting hungry yet?

Let me try to ruin your appetite with this little story about my “squirrel poop pumpkin”.  I had a white pumpkin on my front steps last fall and the squirrels got to it.  Even though I should have known they would see my pumpkin as a snack, I was pretty mad.  Then this summer, I noticed a pumpkin plant on the edge of the yard growing these cute little white pumpkins.  So, I decided that the squirrels must have eaten the seeds, pooped them out, and then a new pumpkin plant grew…hence, squirrel poop pumpkin…it could happen right?

Ok, back to the food!




The only time consuming part of this recipe is roasting the pumpkin.  If you are in a rush, 2 cans of pureed pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling), can be substituted.  Or, if you have leftover butternut squash from Thanksgiving, you can use that too.  Aaannndddd, if you have more than one pumpkin, this recipe can easily be multiplied.  Enjoy your last pumpkin recipe of the season!

Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G



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