Main Meals / December 6, 2016

Dr. G’s Fattoush Salad

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When I tell people that I eat a plant based diet I often get the response of, “So what do you eat then? Salad?”.  To which I usually respond, “ppsshhhh, NO!”.  Ok, well that is kind of a lie.  I do eat salad. And guess what? I like salad. But, I don’t eat it everyday and I don’t eat boring salads, EVER!  On a day to day basis I eat enough vegetables that I don’t usually have a side salad with a meal.  I guess when your whole meal is plants a side salad looks kind of silly.  More typically I have a salad as a meal.  I fill up a bowl the size of my head with fresh and cooked vegetables, starches, legumes, tofu, etc.  When I say meal, I mean meal.  Let’s take a peak at this meal worthy salad! Behold, the magical Fattoush Salad:



I went to college at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, so nerdy, right?  Near by the college there was an Armenian restaurant that my dad used to take me to when he would come to visit.  We would order a ton of food, something different every time, but we always got the fattoush salad.  Traditionally, this salad comes with onions, but my dad hates raw onions so we always ordered it without.  He literally has told waiters that he will die if he eats a raw onion…lies, all lies.  Anyway, when I started to make this salad at home I always left out the onions, even though I actually love raw onions.  This salad is so delicate and yet flavorful as is, that I actually think that the onion may over power it.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.

Over the years of tinkering with this recipe and trying to make it more meal-like, I have added chickpeas and pita chips right into the salad.  They amp up the flavor while decreasing the mess (picture me forking salad into a pita pocket and trying to eat it before it falls apart).  The recipe for my homemade pita chips and spiced chickpeas are included in this post, did you think I’d leave you hanging?

FYI, if you are looking to cut some corners on this recipe to save time, feel free to buy the pita chips (Stacy’s Pita Chips are great in this recipe, I like the garlic ones) and use plain chickpeas instead of the spiced ones, but it is worth the 2 minutes to make the dressing.  If you are looking for a gluten free option try garlic roasted sweet potatoes instead of the pita chips.  And, if you are looking for an oil free option simply leave it out, this recipes doesn’t really need oil.


Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G

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