Taco Tuesday / September 22, 2016

Mushroom and Summer Squash Tacos

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“Mushroom and Summer Squash Tacos” was one of the first recipes I ever wrote as “Dr. G”….ah memories.  Ok, it was last year…  I’ve made a few minor changes that have made them even more awesome, hence the re-post.  Yes, the bomb-@$$ avocado and cilantro sauce is included in the recipe. Get excited!





We eat tacos almost every Tuesday at my house.  Why you ask?  Mostly because they are delicious.  But, also because they are dirt cheap to make, are a fun way to eat vegetables and random leftovers, and are quick to make.   Over the past year I have literally put just about every vegetable into a taco and no matter what they always taste good.  I’ve made Asian inspired tacos, Jamaican tacos, Spanish tacos, obviously many Mexican tacos, and I still have the creative taco juices flowing. Maybe tacos are the universal food; the answer to achieving world peace perhaps (?).  The whole world can come together and share their love for this magical food.  Who is mad when they are eating a taco?  No one.   I’ll let you think about that one for a little bit while you make these tacos.

Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G



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