Main Meals / September 22, 2016

Farro Stuffed Tomatoes, Roasted…or Not

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Summer is here!  Tomatoes ripe from garden, sweet summer corn, refreshing lemon, fragrant basil, tender zucchini, toothy farro…are you hungry yet?  I just literally used about half of the food adjectives that I know.  If you are not familiar with my little friend farro, it is one of those ancient grains that is trendy in the food world right now.  Since I want to be cool and trendy, I figured I better come up with a recipe to use it in.  Good thing it also happens to be delicious and healthy!  Farro is a type of wheat, so gluten sensitive people beware (just use another grain).  I tend to use semi-pearled cracked farro because it is easy to find and quicker to cook than the true whole grain version; I don’t have all day.  The semi-pearled variety maintains some of the nutrient and fiber dense bran that we want, so I am happy with that.  It is an almost whole grain…yup.

Take a peek:


This recipe is a light, fresh, and summery way to use up those garden tomatoes.  The tomatoes can be roasted, grilled, or broiled…OR you can just leave them raw for an even fresher and lighter dish.  You do you, buddy.





Happy eating and best health,


Dr. G


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