Main Meals / July 23, 2017

Trust me, SKIP THE BEEF!

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Isn’t beef(less) stew, just stew?  You’ve got me there…it is just stew, but it is awesome magical stew.  This recipe has those deep rich flavors of beef stew without the artery clogging stuff.  Did I mention that it is also super simple and cheap to make?

I reviewed several recipes for beef(less) stew on various websites and blogs before I created this one.  One of the best ideas that borrowed from another recipe was to puree some of the vegetables to thicken the stew instead of adding flour, brilliant!  Here it is:


By the way….

Humans are just not meant to eat cows…or drink their milk, straight up.   Here are 5 good reasons, other than because this stew tastes amazing, to skip the beef:

**Check out the links below to get the details on the scientific evidence backing up my statements.  All of the links go to videos from, which is great FREE resource put together by Dr. Michael Greger, MD.  He posts videos of different lengths reviewing the most recent nutrition research for those of you who want the evidence-based information. **

1. Beef is high is saturated fat.  Consumption of saturated fat increases LDL cholesterol which is the “bad” cholesterol associated with heart disease, America’s number 1 killer.
Click here for the science!
2. Meat containing diets are associated with increased rates of colon cancer.  While most meat is digested in the small intestine up to 12% of it makes it down to the colon where it then putrefies.  Those putrefication products are carcinogenic (aka cancer causing).
Click here for the science!
3. Beef consumption is associated with hormone dependent cancers such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer.
Click here for the science!
4. Meat eaters gain more weight than non-meat eaters even when they eat the same number of calories. Meat consumption is also particularly associated with abdominal obesity.
Click here for the science!
5. Eating animal protein causes an inflammatory reaction in the kidneys that in turn causes glomerular hyperfiltration (the kidneys overworking to filter your blood).  This chronic overwork leads to deterioration of the kidneys over time, called chronic kidney disease or CKD.
Click here for the science!

I am going to drop the mic and leave now…

Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G




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