Taco Tuesday / September 21, 2016

Korean BBQ Tempeh Tacos

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Taco Tuesday is here!  These tacos are a play on a food truck favorite.  Korean BBQ tacos are cool right now (and delicious), so I figured I’d make a whole food plant based version to increase my overall coolness.  When I asked my official food taste tester what I should say about these to convince you to try tempeh he said, “Just tell them to make this, it’s awesome.”  So, just make these tacos, they are awesome.  Did that convince you?
What is tempeh?  Tempeh is cooked whole soy beans (and sometimes grains such as millet, wheat, quinoa, etc depending on what kind you buy…I like the kind with grains myself) that are then fermented and packed together so that it forms a loaf.  Sounds appetizing right?  Well remember that there are lots of tasty fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, some pickles, soy sauce, and beer.  If you have been following any recent food news you have also seen that fermented foods are trendy right now too.  They have been around for ages, but recently regained popularity for their good bacteria.  Your gut (basically your mouth all the way down to your rectum) is loaded with bacteria.  The greater the amount and variety of bacteria that you have in your gut, the better you will digest food and the stronger your immune system is.  When you eat fermented foods they deposit these good bacteria aka probiotics throughout your gut.  Got it?
Also, just in case you are still nervous about soy here is Dr. Andrew Weil, one of the leading integrative medicine docs in the US, with his take on soy.  Spoiler alert: he says healthy.  The video is 5 minutes, educate yourself!
OK are your ready to cook now?
Happy Taco Tuesday!
Follow Cooking with Dr. G on Facebook and Instagram.  Pin your favorite recipes to Pinterest too.
Happy eating and best health,
Dr. G

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